Week 9 – Follow Up

So much Netrunner stuff has happened this week! I mean, MWL 1.2 has barely cooled down, and now we’ve got Terminal Directive and a new official format.

Cache Refresh looks like a lot of fun, and I’ll devote an entire post—some time—to my thoughts on the meta that it creates with the boxes and Flashpoint/Red Sands. Should be cool to look at some of the possibilities for each faction.

All that said, people are cracking Terminal Directive (I’ve opened it, but won’t be playing it until later this month when our local event goes). Plus Regionals are starting up. My regional will be in Vancouver on the 27th.

However, we’re here to talk about decks. So let’s talk about decks.


This deck was amazing. I mean, I didn’t see my Comet, and I didn’t really use Mobius. Saw it once, but didn’t have a good opportunity for it. Nevertheless, it did criminal things. I was up against my buddy Tyler’s Engineering the Future deck. It’s a hybrid glacier/fast advance with Biotic, SanSan, frustrating ICE, Advanced Assembly Lines, and Lateral Growth.

I siphoned, he bounced back ridiculously fast. I hit agendas here and there, he scored some too. With a cheeky Jeeves rez he scored a no-advance NAPD! Obviously I just need to run his remotes more often.

Still, I did criminal things and was able to close out the game. I locked his remote, and he was waiting for a few 3/2s or his third Biotic in hand so he could FA out his Global Foods. Instead, I ate the foods.


My Bloom deck against Tyler’s Nexus Andi. Now this was a crazy strange game. Unfortunately for him, he thought he’d put his Levy back in the deck—he hadn’t—which meant he pitched his Peregrine to a Komainu thinking he could recur it. Suddenly he was only getting through my Tollbooths with Nexus.

It looked like I had it all in hand. I had a Lotus Field and Tollbooth on my remote, and a Tollbooth and a Yagura on R&D (he also had 0 cards in hand). I drew into the Nisei, threw it into the remote. Then drew a second Nisei. He hammered HQ and scored his fourth agenda before I could score my third. It was sad days.

But Bloom did awesome things! I got six pieces of ICE out with Bloom. Now if only he would’ve stopped siphoning me so that I could keep them rezzed.

Counter Surveillance

I played this one against Ashton’s Order and Chaos Titan. Unfortunately for Ashton, he was super poor, and I Knifed and Parasited his R&D barriers away. He put his ICE on his remote—not expecting a Siphon—and luckily for him, I never found one. But unluckily for him, I was Edward Kim with an Obelus and a Bhagat.

I created a rhythm. Hit R&D: draw a card from Obelus. If it was ICE or something I didn’t want to pay the trash for, I hit HQ and Bhagat got rid of R&D’s top card for me. Then I hit R&D again. This went on for four turns before he got ICE on both servers.

Still hadn’t found my Siphons. I had two Counter Surveillances out, but only Vamp in hand. So, I just kept doing my thing. Eventually I smacked into the last agenda on a 1/5 access on HQ.

Counter Surveillance seems amazing. I just didn’t hit the Siphons to really turn it on this game.

Load Testing

Against an aggressive runner this deck would have crumpled like cheap party paper.

I’ve heard about a CI build that uses this idea but with Shipment from Mirrormorph to turn it on. That seems like the actual way to play this annoying, super uninteractive, terrible deck idea.

As it was, it took me about 15-20 turns to set up. I got Director Haas, Victoria Jenkins, and Jeeves on the board behind ICE. Didn’t rez them. Got one Clone Suffrage and two Tech Startups out—again, didn’t rez.

Ashton was setting up his doom dig with Hivemind and Progenitor and Darwin. But he didn’t find his Darwin or D4v1d until late, so he only had Eater.

When I finally drew the third Load Testing (on a second click), I was super excited. I did random things then passed turn, holding my breath in excitement. Knowing that if he poked even one of my remotes he had a good chance of bollucksing up my whole combo.

He installed, took cash, did random things.

I said “Well, I think I’ve won.”

We walked through the combo together. I rezzed Victoria Jenkins and Director Haas, did my mandatory draw, then played three Load Testings. Advanced a Director Haas’s Pet Project (that was already on thet able) twice. Pass turn, he takes his Daily Casts cash and passes back. I return all three Load Testings, play them, score the Pet Project to install a Vanity Project from hand, and start advancing it. At some point, I also install a second PAD Campaign because my cash is dwindling.

The Vanity Project scores through, then I put down an ABT and score that. Seven points.

We shook hands, I apologized for the cheese, he said it was fun to see it happen. (Goods sportsmanship on that guy.)

I mean, I hate the combo. It’s funless. But the anticipation of how fragile I was happened to be exciting. But also, the theme was crazily on point. Victoria Jenkins and Director Haas worked together on Haas’s pet project—which turned out to be a Vanity Project for Victoria Jenkins. Then just an Accelerated Beta Test as gravy.

Pretty in-universe.

Load Testing

A meeting of minds

“But what’s in it for me?” Victoria asked, smiling pleasantly as she sipped her YucaBean latte.

“Was that not clear?” Cynthia replied, a tightness to her voice.

Victoria continued to smile. She probably shouldn’t bait Cynthia Haas, but Victoria had always believed the director of Haas-Bioroid took herself too seriously.

“Yes, alright. Unlimited processing power offloaded to the systems that net criminals themselves use to undermine our margins. But how do I sell this?”

“You fast track any project you want, and I can guarantee its safety. How about that new Rhapsody sensie drivel? Done.”

“It’s intriguing,” Victoria admitted. “Let me think on it.”

Ugh, gross

This deck looks degenerate.

I haven’t looked to see what other people are doing, so mine probably has more theme than terribleness, but seriously. Why is this possible?

With three Clone Suffrage and three Load Testings, the runner only has one click a turn. Throw in ELP, and they can only run if they have a run event, a click ability, or a current. Throw in Victoria Jenkins and the runner has zero clicks unless they have Beth or Josh B or something.

It’s gross. But I’m going to try it and see how hard it is to pull off the combo.

I put in Hades Shard by recommendation from one of the guys at THG, that way I’m less likely to burn through my deck before I win, and I put in Vanity Project to save a click here or there when scoring to win.

R&D is obviously a problem, that’s why we’ve got three Eli and three Seidr. ICE won’t matter once the combo is running, so the suite is relatively cheap with no late-game ICE.

We have a few outs if the combo doesn’t come together in regular Jeeves play, two Biotics, and Tech Startups that can bring Director Haas in for an extra click. In fact, you can score a 5/3 out of hand with Director Haas and two Biotics. Or a 6/4 out of hand with Jeeves in play as well. Plus Jeeves and Haas don’t need to be in play when you start that turn, you just need your Tech Startups on the board.

Since the end goal is to play three Load Testings a turn and then install or advance an agenda, we’ve got three PAD Campaigns to trickle the cash in and make sure we don’t run down to zero while we advance.

If you’re lucky, you get two extra clicks after the Load Testings (Director Haas/Jeeves), and you can win moderately faster.

Things getting trashed? Friends in High Places helps there too.

It’s a gross deck if it ends up being reliable in any sort of way.

But the theme is on point.

Rebrand HB (Load Testing)

Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future


Agenda (8)
1x Accelerated Beta Test
1x Director Haas’ Pet Project
1x Hades Fragment
3x Project Vitruvius
2x Vanity Project ●●


Asset (16)
3x Clone Suffrage Movement
1x Director Haas
1x Executive Search Firm ●●●
2x Jackson Howard ●●
2x Jeeves Model Bioroids
3x PAD Campaign
3x Tech Startup
1x Victoria Jenkins ●●●●●


Upgrade (1)
1x Ash 2X3ZB9CY


Operation (9)
2x Biotic Labor
1x Enhanced Login Protocol
1x Fast Track
2x Friends in High Places
3x Load Testing


Barrier (6)
3x Eli 1.0
3x Seidr Adaptive Barrier


Code Gate (5)
2x Fairchild 3.0
3x Turing


Sentry (4)
2x Architect ★★
1x Cobra
1x Ichi 1.0


14 influence spent (max 15, available 1)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Station One

Deck built on https://netrunnerdb.com.

Seidr Adaptive Barrier

Break Time

Ash 2X3ZB9CY walked through the SanSan offices of Haas-Bioroid reviewing his social subroutines.

The proper response is “Yes, thank you.”

As two technicians rounded a corner ahead of Ash 2X3ZB9CY, he raised one of his hands in a friendly gesture of acknowledgement. The two technicians continued by, not glancing at Ash 2X3ZB9CY.

Was my timing incorrect? Should I have verbalized?

The proper response is “Yes, thank you.”

Turning left at the junction, Ash 2X3ZB9CY approached the communal gathering area. His sensors detected the slight rise in temperature as more bodies congregated, and he could detect trace chemicals in the air that suggested a quantity of coffee had been prepared.

Coffee gathering at 10:12 AM. Observations prove correct. Proceedings continue as expected.

The proper response is “Yes, thank you.”

Ash 2X3ZB9CY approached the central food dispensary. It was a small, round table in the center of the room. There was no staff—Android or human. It was designed as a help-yourself buffet of fresh and healthy snacks. Also, there was coffee.

The proper response is “Yes, thank you.”

Carefully, Ash 2X3ZB9CY retrieved a Haas-Bioroid logo-emblazoned ceramic cup. He placed it beneath the coffee dispenser and depressed the toggle, allowing the hot, aromatic liquid to fill the cup to 80% of its capacity.

Ash 2X3ZB9CY raised the cup to his nasal sensor array the way he had observed humans do it. He mimed a deep breath and let out a pleased sigh approximation. The smells were harsh but nuanced. Ash 2X3ZB9CY enjoyed the smell of coffee.

Footsteps sounded behind Ash 2X3ZB9CY, and Jorg Hallivan stepped up beside the bioroid. Jorg Hallivan was a repair technician. He had performed several of Ash 2X3ZB9CY’s maintenance reviews in the past few months.

“Hey buddy,” Jorg Hallivan said as he filled his own cup 97% full. “Want a little sugar in that coffee?”

This was the fourth time that this particular social interaction had happened. Always before, Ash 2X3ZB9CY had responded to Jorg Hallivan with a negative, and the social interaction had ended. This troubled Ash 2X3ZB9CY. He would like to continue this social interaction beyond one exchange.

“Yes, th—” Ash 2X3ZB9CY started to say, but Jorg had turned away from the coffee machine. He raised his hand in a friendly gesture of acknowledgement towards a group of other technicians and moved away.

Ash 2X3ZB9CY looked down at his mug of coffee, then poured it down the drain before carefully placing the cup in a receptacle.

“Yes, thank you.” Ash 2X3ZB9CY said quietly.

It was not the proper response.

Hungry for more of the same?

I was playing on Monday against my friend’s Engineering the Future, and he dropped a Seidr Adaptive Barrier on R&D. It was frustrating. It was very, very frustrating. With two pieces of ICE behind it, it was a strength five barrier.

Obviously, this is a cool, good piece of ICE.

Now, with all the amazing code gates coming to HB recently, it’s awesome that we get some good barriers to go along in the suite.

The deck is really nothing special at all. It’s your standard FoodCoats deck with Seidr and Fairchild in the mix. We’ve got Ash, we’ve got Breaker Bay, and with Rumor Mill on the list and Eli 1.0 off, we’ve got a singleton of Caprice. Let’s play some good, old-fashioned Netrunner.

AdaptiCoats (Siedr Adaptive Barrier)

Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future


Agenda (9)
3x Accelerated Beta Test
3x Global Food Initiative ●●●
3x Project Vitruvius


Asset (10)
3x Adonis Campaign
2x Advanced Assembly Lines
3x Eve Campaign
2x Jackson Howard ●●


Upgrade (5)
2x Ash 2X3ZB9CY
2x Breaker Bay Grid
1x Caprice Nisei ●●●●


Operation (5)
2x Biotic Labor
3x Hedge Fund


Barrier (6)
3x Eli 1.0
3x Seidr Adaptive Barrier


Code Gate (9)
2x Enigma
1x Fairchild
2x Ravana 1.0
2x Tollbooth ●●●●
2x Turing


Sentry (5)
2x Architect ★★
2x Ichi 1.0
1x Ichi 2.0


15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
21 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Station One

Deck built on https://netrunnerdb.com.