Leave No Trace

That’s not the job

McGuire had been taking payoffs from at least a half dozen executives both within the Weyland Consortium and without. On its own, that wasn’t much of a surprise—but put together with what Khan had discovered on McGuire’s PAD, it painted a picture of a grand conspiracy.

Khan didn’t care. She handed all of the data over, lump sum, to her employer, and kept her suppositions to herself.

Ever Closer

The latest version of this deck has Leave No Trace! This card is such gold with Keros and Hernando, I love it. It’s a super Inside Job in the right hands.

After a few more play throughs with Khan’s various builds here, I’ve decided to go with Datasucker over LLDS Processor. The LLDS only really works against stacked ICE types, and if your opponent is savvy, they weave their ICE against this deck. Then LLDS does nothing. Plus, Khan’s ability only triggers on the first piece of ICE you pass each turn, so if you want to derezz a second or third piece of ICE (because the trade is better), then LLDS does nothing for you that turn.

Datasucker will shore up the odd strength numbers on our birds all through a run. Plus we like to run R&D lots. Plus we have Sneakdoor, so we like to run Archives/HQ a lot too.

Also, do not underestimate Tracker. It’s amazing. It’s the first subroutine that would resolve, so  you can break a bunch of things and then not break the single-sub ICE that is the most taxing. In my best case, I used it to “break” an Excalibur for 2 credits each time. Then I could keep running.

Also also, Bloo Moose is the bomb. THE BOMB.

This deck is really getting close to something nasty.

Seeker Khan (Leave No Trace)

Khan: Savvy Skiptracer


Event (7)

3x Dirty Laundry

2x Forged Activation Orders

2x Leave No Trace


Hardware (3)

1x Autoscripter

2x Desperado


Resource (12)

1x Bloo Moose

3x Daily Casts

1x Hernando Cortez

3x Ice Analyzer  ●●●

2x Keros Mcintyre

2x Rosetta 2.0


Icebreaker (6)

2x Golden

2x Peregrine

2x Saker


Program (12)

3x Cache

2x Datasucker  ●●

1x Dhegdheer  ●●

1x Equivocation  ●●●

1x Magnum Opus  ●●

2x Sneakdoor Beta

2x Tracker


12 influence spent (max 12, available 0)

40 cards (min 40)

Cards up to Terminal Directive


Deck built on https://netrunnerdb.com.

Tournament Report – Cache Refresh

We had an abysmal turnout.

Unfortunately there was a Magic pre-release this weekend, so no less than four Netrunner players were in the store playing that instead. Criminy.

Also unfortunately, our out-of-towners had to cancel. And that meant it was only me and Adam. Abysmal.

Anywho, Adam and I played four games and it was a ton of fun.

My Khan deck was awesome but could not keep up with his ridiculously rich and glacier-y Engineering the Future. But my Obokata Personal Evolution got two kills onto his Steve Cambridge.

The first game with PE, I killed him early on with a Cerebral Casts (he takes a Brain Damage on two cards because he’s worried I have Scorch), then double Neural to kill. He was down on two cards because he’d hit a Snare on click three and spent click four clearing the tag. The right calls both times, but I didn’t have the Scorch in hand.

The second game with PE, he handled me hard. Just kept smashing me down with Siphon and Medium. I stuck him with a Shi.kyu, then he scored a Nisei and a House of Knives. Then he scored another Nisei. He’d accessed a few Obokatas and declined to steal them (off R&D). MVP of this game was Miraju and Whampoa. I was able to pull some crazy shenanigans hiding agendas.

Eventually, I naked installed a Philotic. It wouldn’t win him the game if he stole it, and it would win me the game if he didn’t. It wasn’t in the remote, so he figured I was just setting up or baiting a trap.

Then I flatlined him.

As for Khan, I love the deck. I was on track to win the first game, but then he hit me with a Hunter Seeker when I scored my third (?) two-pointer. He killed my Dhegdeer and Opus, and suddenly I was just clicking for credits and hoping to win by Equivocation.

The next game, he just locked me out because I couldn’t find the right pieces in time. He scored an ABT out of the remote, then he scored an Elective Upgrades off a SanSan and Biotic. He then proceeded to win.

Cache Refresh was a super cool format, and I look forward to seeing it again with more players!

Week 17 – Follow Up

Sorry for the late post! The store was on modified hours yesterday, and I didn’t get a chance to play any Netrunner until this afternoon. But play some Netrunner I did!

Rosetta 2.0

That’s right. I finally got to get the Khan deck on the table. And it was fun! Unfortunately, my opponent was going for a 51-credit achievement and wasn’t actually trying to win the game. So, I built my rig, scored up to six points, then didn’t have the heart to keep him from his achievement.

I built more, let him get to 51, then did a Maker’s Eye/Equivocation run for the last point.

As usual, Khan and the birds are damned expensive to actually use their derezz ability. But I had a lot of fun with Mobius/Equivocation. I derezzed a Wall of Static (so expensive, so very unappetizingly expensive) then reinstalled my Saker as I passed the ICE. Got a click back from the Autoscriptor for that, plus the Mobius sent me right back in to get more cash. It was a cool combo.

Rosetta 2.0 was fun too. I swapped a Sneakdoor for an Opus, a Cache for an Equivocation, and another Cache for a Peregrine because I was wasting time while he got money.

I like this deck. It could use tweaking, but it’s fun and flashy.

Dedicated Processor

Didn’t get to play Kim. Dang.


Didn’t get to play Skorpios. But that’s fine. It’s just your average Skorpios deck.


The deck delivered exactly what was promised. I fell in love with this deck when I saw Adam playing it, and it did not disappoint. I was aggressive, I trashed ICE, I moved ICE around, I made tons of cash while doing it.

It was a brilliant deck, and I can’t say enough about it. I’d probably swap the Councilmans out for something else though, they were sort of dead. Honestly, I think I just love Equivocation. What a cool, cool card. But moving ICE around is also amazing.


I did it. I mean, I didn’t have to, but I still did.

I scored an Armored Servers the hard way, behind ICE, with regular advancements. That set me up to score more things (and scared the runner away from running for a long time). An un-advanced install turned out to be a High-Risk Investment that I used Anson and Red Planet Couriers to score the next turn. Watch out for those plays!

After that I scored a Hostile because I found it and I wanted money (at this point, the runner was only on 3 credits, so I didn’t want to blow one of my two HRI counters).

Then I just waited to find a combo piece. I had another Red Planet, a Biotic, and an Audacity in hand. Then I drew the Atlas.

How do I want to score this? With Audacity!

Worked fine. Closed out the game. Tons of fun.